Make-up bei Problemhaut
Rötungen, Entzündungen oder Pickel sorgen oft dafür, dass man sich in seiner Haut nicht wirklich wohl fühlt. Auch erschweren sie das tägliche Make-up, da das dezente bzw. “natürlich aussehende” Kaschieren...
Read moreThe podcast with and by Miriam Jacks, about personal development, self-love, but also self-doubt and the path to the inner glow.
Episode 0 – Miriam Jacks
Episode 1 – Lisa Buchholz
Episode 2 – ....
Fear of rejection and getting older, mental health and hormones, bullying and personal misfortunes - founder, beauty expert and make-up artist Miriam Jacks addresses these and other topics in her podcast Glowcast and talks to exciting guests such as Susann Atwell, Elena Uhlig and Tamara Schenk.
Why is it so difficult for us to accept ourselves, to think about ourselves and maybe even ask for help? We have worries, fears and doubts, big defeats and small stumbling blocks - but the good news is that we are not alone. Together with her guests, Miriam creates new ways of thinking and a space for honest exchange.
She is a mother of two children and, after bankruptcy, two burnouts, years of itching and countless intolerances, she has spent the last few years working intensively on her personal development. With the help of experts and continuous work on herself, Miriam can now say that she has now found the glow that she conjures up on her and her customers' faces every day with her JACKS beauty line products within herself.
Inner Peace with Breathwork Expert Johanna Lehmann
Do you know the feeling when stress overwhelms you and you just can't calm down?
In this episode we talk to Johanna Lehmann, breathwork expert and author of the book "Breathwork: The Magic of Your Breathing". After her career in the start-up world in San Francisco, she discovered the transformative power of breathing and founded Tiger & Turtle. Today she shares with us how we can reduce stress, regulate emotions and find ourselves again through conscious breathing.
From practical exercises for acute stress situations to deep insights into the science of breathing - this episode is packed with tools for more balance in everyday life. Particularly exciting: Johanna shows us how we can go from stress to relaxation in just 30 seconds!
Wie gesund ist eigentlich unsere herkömmliche Zahnpasta? Alexandra Petrikat, Gründerin von teethlovers, deckt auf, welche bedenklichen Inhaltsstoffe sich in konventionellen Zahnpflegeprodukten verstecken.
Die Ökolandbau-Absolventin erklärt, warum Fluorid und Schaumbildner problematisch sind und wie ihr nachhaltiges Zahnpulver eine natürliche Alternative bietet. Ein faszinierender Einblick in die Bedeutung gesunder Mundpflege und wie wir unsere Zahngesundheit ganz ohne chemische Zusätze unterstützen können.
Rita Meyer entdeckte mit 55 Jahren, dass sie eigentlich Linkshänderin ist - eine Erkenntnis, die ihr Leben fundamental veränderte.
Nach jahrzehntelangen Kämpfen mit Depressionen, Erschöpfung und körperlichen Beschwerden führte der Wechsel zur linken Hand zu einer regelrechten Transformation. Heute, mit 66 Jahren, verfügt sie über mehr Energie als mit 30 und widmet ihr Leben der Aufklärung über falsch gelebte Händigkeit.
In ihrer Praxis zeigt sich: Was zunächst nach einem Randphänomen klingt, betrifft erschreckend viele Menschen, die unter der Last ihrer unterdrückten natürlichen Händigkeit leiden.
"Der Berg ist zu groß, dann fange ich einfach gar nicht an!" - Kennst du diesen Gedanken, wenn es um gesunde Ernährung geht? Heute ist Svenja Ostwald zu Gast, die genau diesen Berg in kleine, machbare Schritte zerlegt.
Von New York aus inspiriert Svenja täglich tausende Menschen zu einem entspannteren Umgang mit Ernährung. Im Gespräch mit Miriam teilt sie ihre Geschichte vom Burnout zur Balance und zeigt, wie wir alle unseren eigenen Weg zu einem gesünderen Lifestyle finden können - ohne Stress und schlechtes Gewissen.
In dieser Episode des GLOWCAST sprechen wir mit Saskia Pasing, Brand Designerin bei JACKS beauty line, über ihren beeindruckenden Weg von der Morbus Crohn Diagnose mit 16 Jahren zu einem Leben voller Selbstakzeptanz und der Mission, anderen Menschen zu zeigen, dass Schönheit keine Grenzen kennt.
Saskia teilt offen ihre Geschichte vom Leben mit künstlichem Darmausgang, den Herausforderungen der Krankheit und wie sie durch Fotografie und ihr Projekt "Grenzenlos" anderen Menschen hilft, ihre eigene Schönheit zu entdecken.
Erfahre, wie Saskia trotz schwerer Zeiten ihren Weg zur Selbstliebe gefunden hat und wie sie heute als erfolgreiche Designerin, Fotografin und Mutter ihr Leben in vollen Zügen genießt.
Eine inspirierende Folge über Akzeptanz, Perspektivwechsel und die Kraft, die in jedem von uns steckt.
In dieser kraftvollen Episode sprechen wir mit Julia Schüssler, einer erfahrenen Soul Healerin, über den Weg zur inneren Heilung und wahren Transformation.
Julia Schüssler begleitet Menschen auf ihrem Weg zur seelischen Heilung durch energetische Arbeit und intuitive Führung. Nach ihrer eigenen Transformationsreise hat sie ihre Berufung in der Seelenarbeit gefunden und hilft heute anderen dabei, ihre innere Wahrheit zu entdecken.
In dieser Episode erfahrt ihr, wie körperliche Symptome als Botschaften der Seele verstanden werden können, warum Krisen oft der Startpunkt für tiefgreifende Transformation sind, wie wir lernen können, unserer Intuition zu vertrauen und ihr erhaltet praktische Tools für mehr Leichtigkeit im Alltag
In dieser ersten GLOWCAST Folge des Jahres spricht Miriam über ihre persönlichen Herausforderungen in 2024 und teilt ihre wichtigste Erkenntnis: Du bist IMMER genug!
Miriam öffnet ihr Herz und erzählt von ihren Burnout-Erfahrungen, Panikattacken und dem ständigen Gefühl, nicht genug zu sein. Doch aus diesen Erfahrungen hat sie wertvolle Lektionen für 2025 gezogen: Es ist Zeit für mehr Selbstliebe, weniger Druck und ein bewussteres Leben im Einklang mit den eigenen Bedürfnissen.
Diese Episode ist für alle, die sich oft überfordert und nicht gut genug fühlen, lernen möchten, sich selbst mehr zu lieben und 2025 zu ihrem Jahr der Selbstfürsorge machen wollen.
Nach der überwältigenden Resonanz auf ihre erste GLOWCAST-Episode freuen wir uns sehr, Mental Health Coach und Yogalehrerin Sabine Gallei erneut bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen!
Als Gründerin von YES YOU ARE in Berlin vereint sie ihre Expertise als Yogalehrerin, Mental Health Coach und Creative Consultant mit ihrer Erfahrung als dreifache Mama.
Unter dem Motto "create. unite. inspire." hat Sabine ganzheitliche Programme entwickelt, die sich auf Achtsamkeit, mentale Gesundheit und persönliche Weiterentwicklung fokussieren. In dieser Episode teilt sie ihre langjährige Expertise zur Regulation des Nervensystems und gibt konkrete Tools an die Hand, die jeder im Alltag anwenden kann.
Mit ihrer einzigartigen Kombination aus mentalem Coaching und körperbasiertem Ansatz zeigt sie auf, wie wir lernen können, besser mit Stress umzugehen. Dabei betont sie: Es geht nicht darum, ein stressfreies Leben zu führen, sondern flexibel auf Herausforderungen reagieren zu können.
Wie oft hast du schon versucht, ungesunde Gewohnheiten loszuwerden – nur, um immer wieder in alte Muster zurückzufallen?
In dieser Episode spricht Miriam mit der Hypnosetherapeutin Jean Grevsmühl über die transformative Kraft der Hypnose und wie sie uns hilft, nachhaltige Veränderungen in unserem Leben zu erreichen.
Jean Grevsmühl ist Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie, RTT Practitioner und Hypnotherapeutin. Als ganzheitliche Gesundheits- und Ernährungsberaterin unterstützt sie besonders Frauen ab 40 dabei, alte Verhaltensmuster aufzulösen und ein neues, selbstbestimmtes Leben zu führen.
In diesem intensiven Gespräch erfahrt ihr, wie Hypnose wirklich funktioniert (Spoiler: es hat nichts mit dem TV-Show-Klischee zu tun), warum unser Unterbewusstsein der Schlüssel zu nachhaltiger Veränderung ist und wie ihr mit der Kombination aus Hypnose, ätherischen Ölen und Ernährungsberatung eure Ziele endlich erreichen könnt.
Was wäre die eine Sache gewesen, die du gerne früher gewusst hättest?
Diese Frage beantwortet Paula Lambert in dieser bewegenden Folge mit einer tiefen Wahrheit: "Zu verstehen, dass ich liebenswert bin und dass ich es verdiene, geliebt zu werden."
In diesem intensiven Gespräch öffnet sich die bekannte Beziehungsexpertin und Podcasterin wie nie zuvor. Paula spricht über ihre schwierige Kindheit, ihre Ängste und ihren Weg zur Selbstakzeptanz. Sie teilt ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen mit traumatischen Erlebnissen, dem Gefühl der Verlassenheit und wie diese frühen Prägungen ihr Leben bis heute beeinflussen.
Gemeinsam tauchen Miriam und Paula tief ein in Themen wie innere Heilung, die Auflösung alter Glaubenssätze und den manchmal schmerzhaften Weg zu echter Selbstliebe. Ein Gespräch, das unter die Haut geht und zeigt: Heilung ist möglich, wenn wir den Mut haben, uns unseren Verletzungen zu stellen.
Wie schafft man es eigentlich, Karriere und Familie unter einen Hut zu bringen? In diesem Special geben Miriam und Christian einen ungeschminkten Einblick in ihren Alltag zwischen Geschäftsterminen, Kinderbetreuung und dem Versuch, positiv zu bleiben.
Christian Jacks, Miriams Ehemann und Producer des GLOWCAST, spricht offen über die Herausforderungen des Rollentauschs: Vom erfolgreichen Werbefilmproduzenten zum Part-Stay-At-Home-Dad und Freiberufler. Gemeinsam zeigen sie, dass hinter jedem scheinbar perfekten Instagram-Feed oft ein gut funktionierendes Support-System mit vielen Menschen steht.
Wie ihr Alltag wirklich aussieht, warum Struktur manchmal chaotisch sein darf und wie sie als Paar gemeinsam an positiven Mindsets arbeiten, erfahrt ihr in dieser Familienfolge.
Mit 22 Jahren gründete Caroline Kroll gemeinsam mit ihrem Vater Nø Cosmetics - heute, sieben Jahre später, ist daraus ein erfolgreiches Familienunternehmen mit 66 Mitarbeitern geworden. In dieser Episode spricht Miriam mit der inspirierenden Gründerin über ihren Weg zum Erfolg, die besonderen Dynamiken eines Familienunternehmens und wie man als junge Führungskraft authentisch seinen Weg findet.
Caroline gibt tiefe Einblicke in die Herausforderungen und Chancen der Zusammenarbeit mit der Familie, teilt wichtige Leadership Learnings und spricht offen über Work-Life-Balance als Gründerin. Ein besonders wertvolles Learning: "Der schlimmste Fehler in der Führung ist es, zu erwarten, dass Mitarbeitende sich so verhalten wie du selbst - denn es ist nicht ihr Baby, es ist deins."
Was passiert, wenn ein 8-Jähriger sein eigenes Visionboard gestaltet?
Miriam Jacks teilt in dieser intimen Solo-Folge, wie ihr Sohn Noah dank seines selbst erstellten Visionboards nicht nur in seinen Wunsch-Basketballverein kam, sondern auch lernte, seine Gefühle und Gedanken besser zu verstehen.
Als Mama von zwei Kindern erzählt sie von ihren persönlichen Erfahrungen mit Visionboards, Gefühlstagebüchern und bewusster Gedankenarbeit im Familienalltag. Keine Expertenratschläge, sondern authentische Einblicke, wie sie ihren Kindern spielerisch beibringt, achtsam mit Wünschen und Gefühlen umzugehen - und dabei selbst jeden Tag dazulernt.
Was dir niemand über innere Schönheit erzählt…
In dieser intensiven, persönlichen Solo-Folge teilt Miriam Jacks ihre bewegende Geschichte von zwei Burnouts bis hin zur Entdeckung wahrer Selbstliebe und innerer Schönheit. Sie spricht darüber, wie wichtig es ist, auf die eigene Intuition zu hören und sich regelmäßige Auszeiten zu nehmen - auch wenn es anfangs schwerfällt.
Mit authentischer Offenheit erzählt Miriam von ihrem Weg, wie sie lernte, nicht mehr nur im "Funktionsmodus" zu sein, sondern ihre unterdrückten Emotionen wahrzunehmen und zuzulassen. Sie teilt, wie sie durch bewusstes Innehalten und Retreats zu mehr Klarheit fand und heute eine Community aufbaut, die sich gegenseitig darin bestärkt, die eigene innere Schönheit zu entdecken.
Schalte ein und erfahre, warum wahre Schönheit wirklich von innen kommt und wie du deinen eigenen Weg zu mehr Selbstliebe und innerem Strahlen finden kannst.
Innere Ruhe mit Breathwork Expertin Johanna Lehmann
Kennst du das Gefühl, wenn dich der Stress überrollt und du einfach nicht mehr runterkommst?
In dieser Episode sprechen wir mit Johanna Lehmann, Breathwork-Expertin und Autorin des Buches "Breathwork: Die Magie deiner Atmung". Nach ihrer Karriere in der Start-up-Welt in San Francisco entdeckte sie die transformative Kraft der Atmung und gründete Tiger & Turtle. Heute teilt sie mit uns, wie wir durch bewusstes Atmen Stress abbauen, Emotionen regulieren und wieder zu uns selbst finden können.
Von praktischen Übungen für akute Stresssituationen bis hin zu tiefen Einblicken in die Wissenschaft der Atmung - diese Folge ist vollgepackt mit Werkzeugen für mehr Balance im Alltag. Besonders spannend: Johanna zeigt uns, wie wir in nur 30 Sekunden von Stress in Entspannung kommen können!
Do you sometimes feel trapped in your own thoughts? In this episode, Miriam Jacks shares her personal journey to mental strength and shows you how you can use the power of your thoughts to live a fulfilling life.
Miriam opens her heart and talks about her transformation from a woman plagued by fears and negative beliefs to a confident entrepreneur and mother. She shares moving insights into her family challenges and how she learned to use the power of positive thoughts even in difficult times.
From overcoming PMS symptoms to dealing with difficult conversations - Miriam gives you practical ideas on how to change your mindset and actively shape your life. Immerse yourself in a world in which your thoughts shape your reality and discover how you can bring more joy, gratitude and success into your life with simple exercises.
"You create your reality every day." Start using the power of your thoughts today!
In this very special live episode of the GLOWCAST, recorded during the JACKS beauty line GLOW together experience in Bad Saarow, four inspiring listeners share their personal stories. Miriam Jacks talks to Myrta, Kristin, Kathy and Nancy about how the GLOWCAST has influenced their lives and led to personal growth.
From new career starts to overcoming inner demons to new perspectives on your own health - this episode impressively shows how podcast inspiration can lead to real life changes.
Immerse yourself in moving stories of courage, self-discovery and the power of positive change.
Be inspired by these brave women and learn how you too can find your inner and outer glow!
"Check your Boobies!" for Breast Cancer Month
In this emotional episode, Miriam talks to her younger sister Rose Kölsch about a topic that affects us all: breast cancer. Rose courageously shares her personal story of being diagnosed with breast cancer and her journey so far. At 34 years old, with three children and in the prime of her life, she received the news that changed everything. But instead of despairing, Rose faces her illness with remarkable strength and positivity.
In this touching conversation, you will learn how Rose received the diagnosis, how she told her family and how she copes with everyday life with chemotherapy. She speaks openly about her fears, but also about the unexpected positive aspects of this experience. Rose and Miriam emphasize the importance of early detection and encourage all women to check their breasts regularly.
This episode is more than just a conversation about illness - it's a message of hope, strength and self-care. Be inspired by Rose's courage and positive attitude. And don't forget: regular check-ups can save lives!
Healthy Aging
How can we age healthily and beautifully without succumbing to youth obsession? In this episode, we talk to Berlin-based beautician and masseuse Nadine Andres about healthy aging and how we can best care for our skin throughout our lives.
Nadine shares her expertise from over 20 years of experience in the beauty industry and explains why a holistic approach to healthy aging is so important. She gives valuable tips on daily care routines, talks about the influence of diet and lifestyle on our aging process and reveals her favorite tools for a radiant appearance - at any age.
Find out why Nadine thinks aging is a privilege and how you can make your natural beauty shine at every stage of life. An insightful episode for anyone interested in healthy aging and who wants to keep their skin healthy in the long term.
Writing really well
Do you sometimes feel like your words aren't reaching others the way you want them to? In this episode, we talk to Stefanie Heiserowski, writing coach and founder of SCHÖNGOLD, about the art of effective writing.
From Miriam Jacks' personal experiences with dyslexia to professional tips for better business communication, this episode is packed with valuable insights for anyone looking to improve their writing skills.
Stefanie shares her expertise on how to overcome writer's block, find your own writing voice and write texts that really resonate. Whether you are an entrepreneur, active on social media or just want to communicate better with those around you - here you will find the tools to convey your message clearly and effectively.
Good food without sacrifice
How can you sustainably change your diet and gain more energy in your everyday life?
In this episode, Miriam talks to health and nutrition coach Carolin Kotke about her personal journey to a healthier lifestyle, the connection between nutrition, energy and skin, and how to overcome cravings for unhealthy foods. She shares practical tips for getting started on a more nutrient-rich diet
and reports on her experiences with menopause and how nutrition can help.
Whether you want to completely change your diet or just establish a few healthy habits - in this episode you will find plenty of inspiration and practical approaches to do something good for your body.
An episode full of aha moments that make you want to question your own lifestyle and make positive changes!
Sex during menopause
Have you ever wondered how your sex life changes over time and how you can enjoy intimacy even in later stages of life?
In this episode, Miriam talks with experienced sex counselor Mignon Kowollik about female sexuality during menopause and beyond. Mignon explains how she came from the marketing industry to sex counseling and why she specializes in mature women.
Find out more about the physical and emotional changes during menopause and how they can affect your sex life. Why open communication is so important in relationships and tips on how to overcome inhibitions when talking about sexuality and what positive effects a fulfilling sex life has on your general well-being and charisma.
On the Power of Communication
How can we communicate better and deal with criticism without it throwing us off track? In this episode of the GLOWCAST we talk about communication and self-esteem.
Miriam welcomes the charismatic leadership expert and business creator Emma-Isadora Hagen for a conversation that will significantly change your view of private and professional relationships and their communication.
Emma-Isadora shows how our communication influences our lives, what the difference is between self-esteem and self-confidence and how to master toxic situations in the workplace, and also provides practical tips on how to better deal with criticism.
Men need help!
Why do men often find it so difficult to accept help? In this exciting episode, we delve into the world of men's work and discover how men can also benefit from coaching and therapy.
Miriam Jacks welcomes the charismatic men's coach, therapist and retreat leader Clemens Kaiser for a conversation that will revolutionize the way we look at male personality development! What is the biggest hurdle for men when seeking help and why women often make the first move for their men. Clemens gives insights into his transformative work with men, explains what a men's retreat really looks like and shares practical tips on how women can gently nudge their men towards self-development.
Look forward to an honest conversation, surprising insights and concrete approaches to how men can find their strength. This episode could be the key to more understanding, growth and harmony in your relationship!
Work smarter, not harder - New Work
Stressed at work? Do you feel burned out and long for a better work-life balance? You are not alone! In the new episode of the GLOWCAST we take a trip into the world of "New Work" principles and find out how we can all work happier and healthier.
Miriam Jacks welcomes the fantastic "New Work" author, podcaster and lecturer Kira Marie Cremer for a conversation that will fill your view of the world of work with new possibilities. Kira Marie shares her concentrated expertise from books, podcasts and teaching. Miriam Jacks provides exciting insights into her everyday life as a modern entrepreneur.
This episode is a must-hear for anyone who wants more than just a job - whether you're a manager or a career starter! Get ready for a dose of inspiration and concrete tips that will take your working life to a new level. Put on your headphones and let's head into an exciting future of work!
About the Passive Money Principle
Laura Limberg, a German entrepreneur, author and mentor, specializes in the topic of passive income. She is known for her book "The Passive Money Principle", in which she shares strategies and tips for generating passive income. In the interview, Laura gives insights into her professional journey, the challenges and successes along the way and how she managed to achieve financial freedom.
This episode offers valuable inspiration and practical tips for anyone interested in financial independence and passive income. Laura Limberg's tips show how to overcome professional challenges while leading a successful and fulfilling life.
About the Lifestyle of Longevity
Kristine Zeller, co-founder of ooia, founded the start-up for period underwear together with her business partner Dr. Kati Ernst. In the interview, she shares insights into her professional journey, the importance of female empowerment and her approach to a healthy, long life, based on the principles of longevity.
This episode offers valuable inspiration for anyone interested in sustainable health and female empowerment. Kristine Zeller's story shows how to overcome professional challenges while living a healthy and mindful life.
The Art of Visibility
How can I appear confident in front of others despite being nervous? Which techniques can help me to strengthen my presence and how can I find my own charisma and use it effectively?
In this episode, Miriam speaks with Petra Neftel, business coach, author and former TV presenter. Petra talks about her personal experiences as a presenter and gives tips from her business coaching program “We Are Sparks on how to increase your visibility and presence in your professional and private life.”
She talks about her journey from journalist to TV presenter and business coach, gives tips and techniques for overcoming nervousness before performances and explains how to remain authentic and still convince.
About Authenticity and Acceptance
How can I learn to accept myself and be happy with my reflection in the mirror? What role does authenticity play in my professional and private life, and how can I emphasize it more? How can I deal with criticism constructively and strengthen my personality in the process?
In the latest episode, Miriam Jacks welcomes the well-known SAT.1 presenter Marlene Lufen, who has been a familiar face on SAT.1 breakfast television for years. And recently also host of her own podcast "M for Marlene". Marlene openly shares her experiences and thoughts about self-acceptance, authenticity and life in the public eye.
She proves how important it is to stand up for yourself and approach life with a positive attitude. Let yourself be inspired by her joy of life and her experiences and learn why you can put your own personality more in the foreground.
Wolke Hegenbarth and the courage to take new paths
In this anniversary episode, Miriam Jacks welcomes the well-known actress Wolke Hegenbarth. Wolke has been in the TV business for almost 30 years, but in recent years she has taken a completely new path.
Wolke came to television by chance when she was 15, changed direction after the birth of her son and now works as a coach and entrepreneur. In this exciting episode you will find out why she keeps doubting herself despite her success and how she can surpass herself by trusting in others. It is about new beginnings, courage and the power of self-development.
Let Wolke's energy and drive infect you and find out how you can start afresh even when you're over 40!
Self-love, self-acceptance & beauty ideals
In this episode, Miriam Jacks delves deep into the world of self-love and authentic beauty. Her guest is Alina Merkau, well-known TV presenter of Sat 1 breakfast television and entrepreneur.
Self-acceptance and natural beauty in the spotlight, dealing with beauty ideals in public and why less make-up often means more charisma are just some of the many topics that Miriam and Alina discuss in this episode.
The two share practical tips for a self-loving morning routine, strategies to resist the pressure of the beauty industry and explain why self-acceptance grows with age and how you can benefit from it.
Waste of money on beauty shopping?
In this episode, Miriam Jacks delves deep into the world of beauty retail. Her guest is Antje Zimmermann, the successful owner of the Cologne beauty store Tantje.
She shares her survival strategies during the Corona pandemic, reports on the balancing act between online and brick-and-mortar retail, talks about the transformative power of personal coaching in entrepreneurship and how important self-love is in the beauty business.
In this episode, you'll learn why honest advice creates long-term customer loyalty and how you can use crises as an opportunity for personal growth. Antje shares useful knowledge and helpful strategies for successful collaboration between brands and retailers and why less is sometimes more - in advice as well as in make-up.
Your age and experience make you valuable
This time, Miriam Jacks welcomes the experienced managing director and founder Daniela Mündler. Daniela has had an impressive career at renowned companies such as L'Oréal, LVMH and Douglas. With her startup "samplistick" she wants to revolutionize purchasing and sampling for cosmetics customers.
She talks about her career path and her experiences at L'Oréal, LVMH, Douglas and Bahlsen as well as the founding of "samplistick" and her vision to make the beauty industry more sustainable. Daniela shares the challenges and successes she experienced while building her own company and provides practical tips for founders and those who want to become one.
Daniela Mündler's courage to take new paths motivates people to pursue their own visions and leave the other, supposedly safe, behind.
What I would like to say to young Verena
In this captivating GLOWCAST episode, Miriam Jacks welcomes the impressive Verena Pausder. Verena is not only a successful entrepreneur and investor, she is also a passionate family person and mother. In an open conversation, Miriam and Verena share not only stories about professional successes, but also personal experiences and challenges that each of us knows. Verena gives particularly emotional and heartfelt insights into her private life.
Verena describes her journey from an idealistic student to a successful entrepreneur and investor, provides insights into strategies for balancing work and family, including her daily routines, and shares personal values and learnings that shape her career and private life.
Find out how she and her husband manage to balance professional success and family life in this episode, which is a wonderful mix of professional insights and personal stories.
How to protect yourself from fake news
The renowned journalist and news influencer Elisabeth Koblitz tells Miriam about her impressive career in the USA and how she managed to make news accessible and understandable to a broad audience with her project “NEWSiversum”.
She shares her career and her time as a TV producer in Washington and provides background information and visions of the "NEWSiversum". In this exciting episode, you will find out what tips she has for conscious and healthy news consumption and what challenges and opportunities modern journalism presents.
How I became confident and visible
Miriam Jacks talks to Nike Menzel, the founder of PurposePreneur. Nike managed to build her self-confidence from scratch after having to cope with the early death of her mother at the age of 14. She shares her tried and tested strategies to massively increase her social media presence and how to use self-confidence to take your business to the next level and really take off on Instagram!
From the loss of her mother to secrets for success for organic growth on Instagram to practical tips on how to successfully sell your products on social media and related strategies to increase your visibility - Nike Menzel reports on her own experiences and also provides valuable tips.
A rare opportunity to learn from a real expert and finally get your own business off the ground.
How I found healing after burnout
In the latest episode, we welcome the inspiring speaker coach and journalist Ewa de Lubomirz. Ewa's career began in front of the camera at a young age and led her through exciting years as a reporter at RTL. Her story is an emotional journey that leads from a severe burnout and a cancer diagnosis to her current role as a supporter of women who want to find their own stage.
From her first steps on stage at the age of 16 to working as a racing reporter at RTL, Ewa gives insights into the hardest time of her life and how she maintained her positivity.
In this moving episode, she shares how she accepted her cancer diagnosis and became a yoga teacher, as well as her experiences as a mother and owner of a speaker studio and her support for women to find their voice.
Ewa de Lubomirz's ability to stay positive and reinvent herself despite adverse circumstances is very inspiring.
Beauty or weakness? Men who wear makeup
In this episode, Miriam Jacks talks to Esad Alper and Joel Selzener, the founders of MaleUp, about the challenges and opportunities of makeup for men. As pioneers in the beauty industry, they want to establish makeup for men in society and show how traditional ideas of masculinity are changing.
How is makeup on men actually perceived socially and what role does Generation Z play when it comes to redefining masculinity and safety standards?
Esad and Joel share personal stories that further illustrate the importance of self-expression and self-acceptance.
Host Miriam Jacks, experienced make-up artist and entrepreneur, looks at the topic from a fresh, modern perspective and shares valuable insights and personal stories.
I like myself best when I am sober
In this exciting episode we welcome Isabella Steiner, the founder of nüchtern.berlin. Isabella has made it her mission to challenge traditional drinking culture and show what an inclusive and tolerant society can look like by offering over 200 non-alcoholic beverage alternatives.
In this episode you will learn how innovative non-alcoholic beverages can change drinking habits, what personal motivation lies behind it all and what vision Isabella is pursuing.
Let us explore together how conscious choices can change not only our lives but also society.
No work-life balance?
This episode features power entrepreneur Lili Radu. Lili is co-founder of the innovative handbag label Vee Collective, which is known for its lightweight and versatile designs. She talks about her personal journey - from the early influences of her creative family to building an internationally successful company.
Together with her husband Patrick Löwe, Lili has created a global phenomenon with Vee Collective. In this episode, she shares how it all began, the strategies they are pursuing to conquer the American market and the personal hurdles she had to overcome and still has to overcome.
Lili Radu proves that with passion and dedication you can achieve extraordinary goals. Her story inspires not only entrepreneurs, but everyone who wants to pursue several goals in life at the same time and be successful.
Love in Focus: With Tanja Roos to a Fulfilling Partnership
Tanja Roos, bestselling author and renowned relationship coach, talks about the art of having happy and healthy relationships. Tanja, mother of four and successful entrepreneur, shares her personal and professional experiences, which she and her husband Dr. Christian Roos have summarized in their book "The I in You".
How can problems be identified and overcome together? Tanja gives insights into her coaching approaches and how she has been able to help some people with them. She also shares practical tips for stronger partnerships and a happy life.
Whether you are single or in a relationship, Tanja's methods offer valuable suggestions to deepen your interpersonal relationships and create a life full of love, abundance and gratitude.
From the idea to the finished product
In this episode, Miriam Jacks takes you behind the scenes of JACKS beauty line. For the first time, we welcome an employee from the heart of the company: Annalena, Product Manager, who, together with the product team, played a key role in the development of the brand new mascara "the mascara".
Together with Miriam, she provides insights into the development process - from the initial idea to the finished product - and reveals the creative and technical challenges that the team has mastered. How does the product team meet Miriam's high quality standards while producing sustainably and vegan? And how do they manage to create high-performance products that are environmentally friendly and ethically sound?
The two share this and much more in this exciting episode, which also shows the crucial role that their customers' feedback plays in product development.
Modern Waldorf Education
Miriam Jacks welcomes Ziska, a passionate Waldorf School teacher, who takes us on a journey through the evolution and modern approaches of this unique educational philosophy. From Ziska's personal discovery of Waldorf education to in-depth conversations about its challenges and potential.
This episode offers a rare glimpse into the world of education that goes beyond traditional teaching methods. Miriam, who has a unique perspective as both a former Waldorf student and a mother of a son who attends a state elementary school, has a critical yet heartfelt conversation with Ziska.
How has Waldorf education developed from its conservative roots to a more modern approach, what are the strengths and weaknesses of the Waldorf school system and what are the differences to the state school system?
Be inspired to think beyond the boundaries of traditional education and discover the possibilities of a holistic pedagogy that has the potential to revolutionize the world of education.
Founding a business for beginners
The world of company formation: A guide with the experienced corporate and venture capital lawyer Katharina Erbe, because in this episode you will get a comprehensive insight into the basics of company formation and also receive indispensable legal advice.
Discover the risks of sole proprietorship and the advantages that limited liability companies (UGs) and limited liability companies (GmbHs) can offer. Find out how professional legal advice not only avoids problems, but also protects your start-up and why the role of the notary is so important when starting a company. Katharina also shares practical tips on how to set up a start-up with partners for success right from the start.
Miriam shares valuable personal experiences and insights, enriched by the questions and feedback of our dedicated podcast community. Following the huge success of our episode on financial basics with Daniela Meyer, this episode aims to clear up common misconceptions and impart essential knowledge that will be useful on your entrepreneurial journey.
termination after parental leave
Svenja is not only an experienced leadership coach, but also a passionate advocate for equality and fairness in the workplace. With her work at crispycoaching, she helps leaders and teams develop better understanding and stronger support systems.
In this episode, we delve with her into a topic that affects us all: the challenge of balancing work and family. Svenja openly shares her experiences as a mother and working woman and provides insight into the often invisible barriers that women face in the world of work.
In this exciting episode, she shares the challenges she faced at work after taking parental leave, what toxic behavior and prejudices specifically against mothers have to do with it, and what she does differently today as a manager.
The 6-minute principle
In this episode of the GLOWCAST, we delve into the inspiring world of the 6-Minute Diary, together with author Dominik Spenst. A tragic accident led Dominik onto the path of positive psychology and inspired him to create a revolutionary diary that changes lives. Discover how gratitude and self-reflection have enriched not only his life, but also the lives of millions of others.
How the 6-minute diary is based on the scientific principles of Abraham Maslow and Martin Seligmann and has a transformative power of gratitude and self-reflection. Miriam herself shares how the diary has influenced her daily life.
Be inspired by this profound and motivating story and discover how you can turn life's challenges into extraordinary opportunities.
From today on I will do my finances
Are you ready to take control of your finances? In this episode we show you that financial independence is not rocket science and should not be left to your partner alone!
In conversation with Daniela Meyer, one of the two editors-in-chief of finanzielle, we demystify the world of finance. Daniela shares her knowledge and tips on how you can achieve financial independence with simple steps.
Financial aspects such as different types of accounts and portfolios, compound interest or ETFs and their advantages over individual stocks are explained concisely and in an easy-to-understand manner.
Everyone has access to smart private financial planning. This episode is a starting point to start down this path.
I answer your questions
In this episode of the Miriam Special, Part 2, Miriam Jacks answers questions from her community directly and bluntly. After sharing her personal and professional journey in the first part, Miriam now focuses on giving insights into her ambition, her family and her money mindset.
Miriam, known for her open nature, shares practical tips and personal insights that she has gained on her journey as an entrepreneur. She talks about how she balances her career and family life, where her motivation comes from and how she makes financial decisions.
This short but informative episode is for everyone who is curious about the person behind the success of JACKS beauty line and wants to learn from Miriam's experiences.
Until today, women have worked for free
In this special edition of GLOWCAST for Equal Pay Day – the day that symbolizes how long women work “for free” compared to men – Miriam Jacks talks to investor and social media personality Diana zur Löwen about the gender pay gap and the urgent need for financial independence for women.
Diana, known for her investments in start-ups and her in-depth financial knowledge, shares her insights into the causes of the gender pay gap and why one in three women in Germany has to expect a pension of less than 1000 euros.
They discuss how a woman's role as a mother affects her career and how financial dependence on her partner often leads to unexpected challenges. This becomes particularly critical when women are faced with a low pension or unexpected debts after a separation or the loss of a partner.
Financial dependence does not always have to be a compulsion, but can also be a self-chosen choice because the woman does not want to deal with the “annoying” topic of finances.
Miriam and Diana give concrete tips on how women can start to take their finances into their own hands, regardless of their income or previous knowledge. They emphasize that finances are neither boring nor unimportant and encourage people to make sensible provisions for the future, even with small means. This episode is a guide for women to promote financial education, strengthen self-determination and consciously set priorities in their professional and private lives.
My Way
In this special episode, Miriam Jacks opens her secrets and shares her very personal journey with us – a story full of passion, obstacles and ultimate triumph.
At the age of 14, Miriam dreamed of becoming a make-up artist, a dream that took her all the way to Hollywood and gave her the foundation for a career that would be as colorful as the palettes she worked with.
Miriam takes us back to the beginnings of her Berlin concept store, the JACKS beauty department, and lets us share in the ups and downs that entrepreneurship brings with it – from constant financial difficulties to bankruptcies and deep disappointments.
But with every challenge, her determination grew, and from the painful experiences of old dreams, Miriam formed the foundation for something new: the founding of JACKS beauty line.
This episode is an intimate look into the unvarnished truth of the life of an entrepreneur who forged her own path against all odds. An inspiring tale of learning from mistakes, reinventing yourself and never stopping following your dreams.
bullying and sexual harassment
Trigger warning: This episode deals with topics such as bullying, cyberbullying and sexual violence. If you are affected by these issues yourself and are looking for support, do not hesitate to seek professional help.
In this emotional episode of the GLOWCAST, Miriam Jacks speaks with Anastasia Barner, founder of FeMentor and one of Germany's youngest entrepreneurs. Anastasia talks about her personal struggles with bullying and cyberbullying that began in her childhood, and how she turned these experiences into strength through therapy and the wonderful support of her mother.
This conversation also addresses the serious issues of workplace bullying and sexual harassment, which Anastasia is actively fighting to raise awareness of. Miriam speaks publicly for the first time about her own experiences with sexual violence and the journey she took to stop seeing herself as a victim.
This episode not only provides insight into the challenges that (young) women face in their professional lives, but also highlights the importance of support and listening in dealing with such experiences.
Foundation the Second: Lea Lange (Junique & Lunary)
Lea Lange, known as the successful founder of JUNIQUE and now the head behind the innovative supplement brand LUNARY, shares her fresh experiences in founding LUNARY, a company that specializes in women's health and offers important vitamins, minerals and probiotic bacterial cultures to promote vitality and well-being.
This episode focuses on Lea's decision to rely entirely on equity this time and consciously forego investors. She talks about the professional freedoms and challenges that result from this, but also about the personal changes that come with getting older and becoming a mother.
Despite focusing on their impressive careers, Miriam and Lea manage to frame their experiences and advice in a way that is accessible and encouraging even for smaller start-ups and founders at the beginning of their journey.
This episode showcases true entrepreneurship and the value of personal responsibility, highlighting the importance of setting clear priorities - both in your professional and personal life. A practical guide for anyone who is thinking about starting their own business, or who is already on the path and looking for practical advice.
YOUR community
In this episode, Miriam Jacks meets power entrepreneur Franziska von Hardenberg. Known for her energetic entrepreneurial spirit and successful use of social media to build her brands, the two talk about the heart of every brand: the community.
From her triumphant beginnings with Bloomy Days to challenges with dependencies on venture capitalists, to her new brand: the jewelry brand The SISS BLISS, founded in 2020.
Franzi openly shares her experience bootstrapping her new business and how her loyal social media community was not only a critical factor in her success, but also how she used this channel to interact with her community in real time, involve them in the startup process, and give back in an authentic way.
An inspiring conversation about the power of connection, the importance of authenticity, and the transformative power of an engaged community.
Change begins with YOU
In this episode, Miriam Jacks speaks with experienced systemic coach and people & culture consultant Basma Geigenmüller about the importance of personal and professional change that begins within ourselves. Basma shares valuable insights from her work as a coach and consultant for large companies.
How can a healthy employee culture be created and maintained? What about recognizing and communicating one's own weaknesses and needs and what is a healthy communication culture?
A central aspect of the series is the realization that there is no universal formula for dealing with people. Every person has individual needs and approaches to the world that must be recognized and respected. In this enriching episode, you will learn how important it is to put this understanding into practice and to promote a culture of togetherness that builds on the individual strengths of each person.
SPECIAL: 3 things founders should do | GLOWCAST FOUNDERS TALKS
In the new GLOWCAST special series "Founders Talk", Miriam Jacks welcomes entrepreneur Julia Albutashvili, co-founder of PHILO Family Things, a unique store for baby and children's clothing and furniture in Pfaffenhofen, near Munich.
PHILO Family Things is all about personal advice and individual support. This is not just a feature, but a strategic strength. The intimacy and attention to detail sets them apart from large, impersonal chains and offers a valuable lesson in branding and customer proximity.
How can live Instagram tours of the product range reinforce the store's USP to meet individual customer needs live? Interactive experiences like these strengthen the connection to the online community and show how digital tools can enhance the physical store experience.
Julia and her husband Giorgi bring everything it takes to run their business successfully: entrepreneurial spirit, dedication and an eye for aesthetics, coupled with strong approaches to digital presence. This episode shows how to use these qualities to shape a business that is successful both online and offline.
Gold with Meaning
Guya Merkle, entrepreneur, jewelry designer and committed environmental activist about setbacks, new beginnings and the search for meaning and sustainability in the jewelry industry.
After the unexpected death of her father, Guya was faced with the huge challenge of taking over her family's jewelry business - and she did so without any prior knowledge.
The unprepared takeover quickly led to financial difficulties and ultimately to the company's insolvency. A second attempt to revive the company also failed.
With the remaining financial means, Guya set out on journeys that took her to the origins of jewelry: to the gold mines. Here she saw the harsh reality and human suffering behind gold mining. These experiences represented a turning point in her life. Guya decided not only to continue the jewelry business, but also to actively campaign for fair production conditions and environmental protection.
With her own successful jewelry label VIERI and the label LOVY EIGHT, which she founded together with Alina Merkau, she now produces jewelry from fairly mined and traded gold.
In this exciting episode, she also talks about how she and her Earthbeat Foundation are fighting against systemic problems in the jewelry industry and raising awareness of the importance of sustainable production.
influencer marketing
Sarah Emmerich, founder of the agency Emmerich Relations, talks to Miriam Jacks about the beginnings and challenges she has overcome on her way to becoming a successful entrepreneur. How is influencer marketing used in a variety of ways and how does it change the perception of brands and companies?
Sarah provides practical and actionable tips for your own business and shares the mechanisms of influencer marketing and how you can use them for your own success.
This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to advance their business in the digital age. Her insights and Miriam's experiences provide a valuable guide to effective influencer marketing.
My New Beginning
About hurdles, prejudices and challenges – when it is better to leave German perfectionism behind and trust your own gut feeling.
Sue Giers, creative head and face of the renowned and sustainable fashion label SoSUE, has reinvented herself in the middle of her life. After years of managing PR for the fashion label CLOSED, her ex-husband's company, she had to find a new direction after the separation.
Sue talks to Miriam about the emotional burden of the separation and the challenging path out of the pain. Together with her sister Vanessa Gieser, she started a lifestyle blog in 2016 when she was in her late 40s, which turned into a successful fashion label. In this episode, Sue shares how she runs a business with her own financial resources, a bit of courage and blinders.
Her story is a tribute to the power of resilience and an example that it is never too late to realize your dreams.
Courage for Therapy
In this profound GLOWCAST episode, Miriam Jacks and experienced psychotherapist Nina Skarabela open the curtain to the fascinating worlds of therapy and coaching. They discuss in depth why the decision to seek professional psychological support is not a sign of weakness, but a courageous step towards personal strength and growth.
Nina Skarabela explains the finer points of her therapeutic approach, which is based on a mixture of NLP, systemic therapy, and trance and hypnosis work, and draws clear lines between it and classic talk therapy. She particularly emphasizes that emotional healing is a complex process that often requires professional support in order to avoid getting lost in negative belief patterns or going around in circles.
Miriam knows from her own experience why therapy and coaching make people happier in the long term than vacations or new clothes and encourages people to also make financial provisions for their mental health, because the effects of good therapy or intensive coaching can enrich your whole life.
Time for you
Do you often lack time for yourself or do you simply often forget to take time for yourself?
In this episode, Sabine Gallei, founder of YES YOU ARE and passionate yoga teacher, is Miriam's guest. Sabine, who is also the mother of three sons, enriches this episode with her life-affirming perspective on mindfulness and self-love.
YES YOU ARE is a collective of designers, creatives and yoga teachers dedicated to creating holistic experiences based on mindfulness, yoga, urban creativity and inspiration. They offer a variety of offerings, from open classes and workshops to urban retreats and pop-up events, to accompany modern urban dwellers on their journey of self-discovery and connection.
Sabine shares her experiences and techniques for consciously taking time for herself. She discusses methods such as journaling and grounding and their positive effects on well-being. Miriam reflects on her personal insights from a yoga retreat with Sabine and how it helped her to appreciate the value of time for herself and to draw new strength from it.
Networking Secrets
Birgit and Susann talk to Miriam Jacks about the origins of THE HER KLUB and why it is so important to connect women and give them tools for their further development. The platform offers a wide range of content, from exclusive workshops to practical workbooks and guides, with the aim of imparting informative and applicable knowledge in the above-mentioned subject areas. The aim is to offer a perfect mix of expert knowledge, practical learning and inspiration.
Miriam Jacks, who is herself active as a trainer for workshops on the platform, shares her experiences and discusses why it is more important than ever for women to stick together and support each other.
Financial Freedom
Why the topic of money and investment is not just a man's issue and why women should actively shape their own financial future.
Margarethe Honisch, founder of FORTUNALISTA - a platform that supports women on their path to financial education and independence, acquired her knowledge of finances in her late 20s. She is now a financial expert, speaker and author of two books. Margarethe passes on her knowledge and provides information in regular boot camps.
Margarethe impressively shows that negative beliefs and a lack of role models are the reason why women often do not deal with the issue. Anyone can start today, even with a small budget. In this episode, you will find out what experiences Miriam Jacks has had with money and why she found it difficult for years to see money as something positive.
Midwife Impossible
About the financial and practical challenges of being a midwife.
Sissi Rasche, a prominent figure in the world of midwifery and Miriam's companion during both births of her children, is known for her extensive work as a midwife and her educational work through social media and her podcast "Hebammensalon". In this episode she shares personal insights into her life and her passion for this profession.
Sissi talks about her beginnings, experiences and what inspired her to take this path. What does a midwife do and why is this profession so important in enabling women to have a relaxed experience before, during and after birth?
Midwives still face financial and practical challenges and unfortunately not all women are guaranteed equal access to midwifery care. Sissi's strong online presence has advantages and disadvantages. In this exciting episode, she explains how she deals with criticism from outside.
Compatibility? Reality!
How do we juggle work, family and our own well-being?
Alina Merkau, founder of LOVYEIGHT and PILAME and presenter of SAT 1 breakfast television, is, like Miriam Jacks, a passionate mother and businesswoman. In this episode, they speak openly about the challenges and joys of balancing family, career and health. And also about the stumbling blocks and pressure that all too often arises from social media. In this very honest exchange, they share how important it is to listen to your own gut feeling and the advantages of including children in everyday life. Because Alina and Miriam agree: children who see their mothers happy and content can benefit in many ways.
Your diet, your body
Food intolerances and the path to a conscious diet: When a diagnosis becomes an opportunity.
In this episode, entrepreneur and baking book author Eileen Pesarini shares her personal experiences and challenges on the way to a healthier and happier life. She has not only accepted her gluten and lactose intolerance, but has turned it into an opportunity.
With dedication and creativity, she began to reinvent the art of baking, which eventually led to the founding of her own company “Lini's Bites”. Miriam and Eileen talk about the importance of listening to the body's signals and how a conscious diet and regular health checks can contribute to a balanced life.
Of Beliefs and Success
How negatively do you think about yourself, money or your employees and how does that affect your business?
Dominik Bärenthaler has been Miriam Jack's business coach for years and plays an important role in her life: He helped her to dissolve beliefs and radically change her mindset, which significantly influenced the success of her company JACKS beauty line.
Beliefs are much more than just an attitude. They shape our thoughts and strategies in business and everyday life. How helpful are your beliefs in achieving your goal?
This episode is a must-watch for anyone who is ready to take their business and personal mindset to the next level, review their beliefs and take bold steps toward success and satisfaction.
Order as peace of mind?
Why is an orderly and tidy home so much more than just a visual treat and what does professional organization actually have to do with self-care?
Nadine Meyer, founder of "The Organized" shows in this episode how organizing our environment can lead to a clearer mind and inner peace. Why
Organization is by no means the same as perfectionism and how a tidy environment contributes to a relaxed everyday life.
If you feel like your home and mind need a little "organization revolution" or you're just curious about how organization can contribute to inner peace, then this episode is for you.
How do hypnosis and NLP work?
How do hypnosis and NLP work beyond the common myths and misunderstandings? Why are these techniques such powerful tools in coaching and personal development?
In this episode we welcome Kathleen Janitschke, a practicing coach and expert who inspires not only with her specialist knowledge but also with her authentic manner. Kathleen shares personal experiences and her view on hypnosis and NLP, clears up common misunderstandings and fears and gives practical application examples and inspiring success stories.
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Menopause decoded
Why don’t we talk about menopause as openly as we do about puberty?
This question has been on the minds of successful entrepreneur and founder of the food supplement brand XbyX Peggy Reichelt for a long time. She then made it her mission to become an expert in this field. “Our vision is a world in which women can go through the menopause with confidence and serenity. go. A society that respects and supports women into old age."
In this episode, she not only enriches us with valuable insights into the biological and hormonal processes of menopause. She also takes away women's fear of this phase of life. She normalizes how to deal with it and offers ideas and suggestions on how to counteract long-term symptoms.
Success with Self-Confidence
How difficult is it for a woman to assert herself in a male-dominated market?
Capital and Forbes call her a leading young entrepreneur in Europe. Most people know her as the successful co-founder of Amorelie. She is an indispensable figure in the entrepreneurial and start-up scene as an investor in various start-ups and as a board member of several high-ranking companies.
But what drives Lea-Sophie Cramer? In the longest Glowcast episode to date, Miriam Jacks talks to her long-time role model about her development - from childhood through school and university to today - and provides a very personal insight into the origins of her success as well as the structures and mindset of the startup scene.
In the kick-off of the 2nd Glowcast season, Lea-Sophie shares how she managed to assert herself in the male-dominated market and how entrepreneurship became part of her blood.
Our learnings from Glowcast
In this episode, Miriam Jacks and her husband, GLOWCAST producer Christian Jacks, discuss what they learned from the first eight episodes of the podcast. The personal stories and, in some cases, fates of the GLOWCAST guests left a lasting impression on both of them and also confirmed the experiences they had on their own journeys to better health and inner glow.
Christian particularly finds himself in Dr. Kati Ernst's story (episode #05), which is about the inner demon and physical health, and reports on his body transformation. Miriam's biggest aha moment was the conversation with Sina Oberle (episode #04). As a couple, the two can now deal with Miriam's PMS and understand the female cycle better.
Impressed by Elena Uhlig's (episode #03) extroverted personality, Lisa Buchholz's (episode #01) honesty or Lorenz Illing's (episode #06) approaches to modern human resources management, Miriam and Christian jump from topic to topic and share their private views and personal anecdotes from their lives.
At this point, the entire GLOWCAST team would like to thank the guests of the first season. Thank you for coming, speaking and impressing us - with your knowledge, your strength and your perseverance. We look forward to the upcoming guests and episodes!
Growth through Fate
At the age of 31, she had an unexpected stroke on December 26 in South Africa. She had to sit for 28 days and was not allowed to lie down so that her brain did not swell further. She could not speak, could not swallow, and could not see or hear much.
Tamara Schenk is a successful entrepreneur and founder of the employer branding platform KOA. Her motto? When in doubt, always go. To events, to meetings. Go to build your own business and always be one step ahead of others. But suddenly she was no longer one step ahead, but many, many steps behind. She had to learn everything from scratch and in doing so developed a fighting spirit that brought her back to life.
Today she knows that nothing is more important than you. She now lives more consciously and in the moment, reduces her stress and eats healthily. In our last, very emotional podcast episode of the first Glowcast season, Tamara tells us why asking "Why me?" doesn't get you anywhere and why you have to believe in yourself after a stroke of fate like this and not let yourself be distracted.
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Jump in at the deep end? Easier said than done. Why some people find it harder to break out of an unhappy professional situation and try something new.
We spend most of our lives working. That makes it all the more important to have a job that you really enjoy. Lorenz Illing is a trainer and managing director of the TAM Academy in Berlin. Accompanying people on this topic is part of his daily job and that is exactly what fulfills him. But how do you find out what makes you happy and what does it take to take a new path?
In fact, only a few people are prepared to pay the price for this and change their lives and their professional situation. In this podcast episode, you will find out why it doesn't take courage and why some things don't have to be done 100 percent right away.
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Overcoming your inner laziness: How Kati Ernst, founder of the brand Ooia, lost 20 kilos and successfully integrated good habits into her everyday life.
Beliefs unconsciously control our behavior and negative ones prevent us from growing and developing personally. Dr. Kati Ernst, who is not only the founder of the successful period underwear company - Ooia - but has also come an impressive way, proves that things can be different. She has lost an incredible 20 kilos by integrating effective habits into her everyday life and replacing negative beliefs with positive ones.
How do you overcome your inner demons, establish new thought patterns and make your body healthy? Her story is inspiring and shows how changes in mindset and everyday life can lead to amazing results
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Hormones are the conductors of our lives: how they shape our personality, what they tell our body and why we should listen to them.
Author and female coach Sina Oberle helps women to recognize their own femininity and to live in harmony with their cycle.
In this episode, she explains how hormones influence and shape our personality and communicate a lot to the body. It's worth listening carefully and taking the messages from our hormones seriously. The infamous PMS also has its own stories to tell. Instead of fighting it, Sina recommends accepting it as a natural part of life. Because life is a constant up and down and has its natural fluctuations.
Doing your own thing: Elena Uhlig talks about bullying, her path to happiness and how she found out what really makes her happy.
She is self-confident, strong-willed and brave. She doesn't mince her words, she takes criticism positively and doesn't care what others think of her. As an actress and presenter, Elena has experienced a lot of rejection and criticism in the past, and as a child she was bullied by her classmates.
Today she does her own thing: With her Instagram account she has found a platform on which she can present herself authentically and inspire others to follow their own path. Her story shows how important it is to stay true to yourself and find your own voice. In this podcast episode, Miriam talks to Elena about bullying, her path to happiness and how she found out what really makes her happy.
Fear of getting older: presenter Susann Atwell has it and yet has learned to enjoy getting older .
She is a mother of two daughters, well-known in the media world and 55 years old. Nowadays, everyone defines fear of getting older differently. Is it the fear of possible illnesses, physical limitations or the fear of no longer being seen as attractive as a woman? Getting older in the spotlight is one thing, but your own attitude to age is another. How does Susann deal with it and what does she want to pass on to her daughters?
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Overcoming your fears: How Lisa Buchholz, co-founder, overcame her fear of rejection and failure.
If you want to achieve something, you have to just do things, dare to take risks and seize opportunities before they pass. Lisa Buchholz has been co-managing director of JACKS beauty line since 2011. A few years ago, she would never have believed herself capable of running a successful beauty company with more than 34 employees and pursuing utopian dreams - without thinking about what one or the other might think.
Insolvent, two burnouts, a long-standing itch and countless intolerances: Miriam Jacks introduces herself and talks about her personal development.
Miriam Jacks has been a make-up artist, beauty expert and founder of the Berlin brand JACKS beauty line for more than 17 years. She is a mother of two children and, after two burnouts, years of itching and countless intolerances, has worked intensively on her personal development in recent years. What drives her every day and what do beliefs have to do with her success?
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Instagram: glowcast.podcast